Tips to Make an Amateur Digital Photographer Into a Professional

Believe it or not, it is possible for any person to make professional quality images from the most basic digital camera on the market. Of course in the hands of a professional, a top of the range Canon camera is going to take better pictures then a bottom of the range digital camera. However we are going to share some very useful tips with you which will actually enhance the quality of your photos and make people think that you are either a professional photographer, or have a $2000 digital camera, when that is probably not the case at all.

1. Changing the Tones

Do you notice that the pictures you take sometimes lack a crisp, smooth feel to them? This may be a result of the default white balance setting being set to automatic on the majority of digital cameras. Whilst this should be satisfactory for many of your snaps, you may find that it is not optimal for a significant proportion.

Therefore simply try adjusting this feature. Take some pictures in various circumstances with the feature on automatic, and then try adjusting through the various settings, you will find that the settings are adjustable for a reason and in some circumstances will enhance your picture.

2. Utilise Macro Mode

Some amazing pictures can be taken with the Macro mode, in particular you will find items with small details are very much suited to this style. Next time you have the opportunity try using Macro mode on a colourful flower and you will be amazed and the quality, this will work where the subject is isolated in a shot, because there is significant reduction in depth of field when using "macro" mode. Hence, just focus on the subject with the immense detail and let the surrounding of the image go soft, this actually gives a really good effect and a modern feel to your picture.

3. Take advantage of a Polarizing Filter

Want to give a significant enhancement to your photos? Then you need to get your hands on a polarizing filter, they give an amazing boost to picture quality and are very much suited to outside and landscape photos. A filter is useful for lowering glare and makes unwanted reflections obsolete. A Polarizing filter will give added effect to your colors.

This is great, but what if your camera does not support the use of a Polarizing filter, well there is a workaround and believe it or not it is as simple as using a pair of sunglasses. Simply put a pair of sunglasses as close to the lens as is possible. This does work and has been working for many people for years.

4. Unusual use of the Flash

Obvious question, but did you know that you can always have the flash on within your digital camera? This is important because you should be controlling what type of lighting you want for the picture. Do not let the camera take control. Again, extra experimentation with this feature can enhance your pictures.

A good technique is to put your subject (if a person) in the shade, so under a tree or behind a building etc away from the sun and set the flash, this will give you the same quality as natural light, however your subject will not have to embrace the sun by squinting etc.

5. Memory Cards

Even cameras with 5 mega pixels take great quality shots which use up a significant amount of memory, and now with digital cameras being able to feature 15 mega pixels you are assured that your memory will soon become depleted. As a result of this invest in some high storage memory cards and ensure you always have a spare on you.

Hopefully this article has given you some useful guidance. Now the rest is up to you, so start experimenting.

Adam Westrop has a passion for delivering key information and showing the best prices on the Canon elph digital camera [] range

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