Which Digital Camera Is Best For Me?

The most important piece of equipment when it comes to taking good pictures has nothing to do with anything you can buy at a store. It's actually your own two eyes and your brain. Being able to see what you want to take a picture in your mind is the first step to taking a great picture. It really doesn't matter if you have a $100 camera, or a $10,000 camera. If you can't see and compose the desired image with your own eyes, in your mind, then save yourself a whack of money and buy the $100 camera.

I heard a great story from an aspiring young photographer about their college days. His professor in a photography class full of promising professional photographers was given a simple task. They were shown a dozen or so beautiful and artistic photographs. Their task was to determine which photographs were taken by some very expensive SLR cameras, and which were taken by some very inexpensive point and shoot cameras. The end result? Their success rate was about as good as if they had just randomly guessed.

The point I'm trying to make here, is not that you need to be the next Fran Lebowitz to take great photographs. What I am trying to say is, don't sweat over a bunch of technical specifications and marketing hyperbole while trying to decide on which digital camera is best for me. It doesn't really matter. What does matter, is that you make a decision, and start taking pictures. The more pictures you take, the better your next set of pictures will be.

With all that in mind, it would be unfair of me to not make at least a few digital camera recommendations. Especially considering the title of this piece. If your unsure of brand, I'd pick Canon. They have by far more models to choose from then any other manufacturer. If your looking for a really small camera, you can take anywhere, consider the Canon SD1000 Digital Elph. If image quality is more of a consideration then portability, then step up to the Canon PowerShot A570IS. Both are around the $150 range. If your a little more ambitious with your photography, then start with a Canon Digital Rebel XTi SLR camera. For under $600 you've got plenty of room to grow. That's it, go get one, and start taking pictures. Your not getting any younger.

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