An Introduction to Atomic Clocks

While clocks and watches go back hundreds of years in history and are considered both old fashioned and old technology by a large number of people, the latest advancement in the world of time keeping the atomic clock, has put these instruments on top of the high tech tables. Atomic clocks and time pieces, which use the oscillations created by an atomic system are to date the most accurate and reliable ever invented. Atomic clocks are used by scientific and standardization agencies for time keeping and form the basis for international time distribution and standardization services. As well as being used for controlling the frequencies of GPS satellite signals and television broadcasts.

Till about a few years back, atomic clocks could be used and afforded only by government owned agencies, but thanks to advances in technology, all of us can now afford to buy these for our homes. While earlier, only people who really needed to know the exact time to the last second shelled out money for these, many people nowadays choose to have at least one atomic wall clock in the house for two main reasons. First, since atomic wall clocks cost only as much as regular wall clocks, buying one is no big deal. Secondly, with one atomic clock in the house, all the other clocks can be manually adjusted to display the exact time.

An atomic wall clock manages to keep perfect time by automatically receiving radio signals emitted by the U.S. Atomic Clock at Fort Collins in Colorado and synchronizing its time with this clock. This means your clock will never need resetting. Secondly, the time will be accurate to within one second of the US governments official time. Additionally, your atomic clock time will automatically adjust to leap years, daylight saving times and changes in time zones too. It is because of this automatic setting feature that atomic travel clocks are becoming quite popular with people who have to keep moving from state to state or time zone to time zone. With an atomic travel clock, you are free from the hassles of constantly resetting your clock when you travel.

For people who are too mobile and computer dependent to ever turn to a wall clock for checking the time, but who nevertheless want to know the exact official time down to the last second, the downloadable desktop utility, the Atomic Clock Sync is a great free tool. Atomic Clock Sync automatically connects to the NIST servers every day and adjusts any existing time difference between your PCs clock and the NIST atomic clock so that your PCs clock is accurate.

About The Author: Jonathan Goodman is the owner of Market Merchants an online retailer specializing in home and garden products. My passion for bbq grilling and fireplaces is the core focus of Market Merchants. I am a member of the Hearth Patio Barbeque Association (HPBA), the National BBQ group (NBBQ), and the Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS). We sell these products because we love them and are passionate about consumer living needs. So whether its furniture and decor, home improvement, kitchen and dining, or outdoor living Market Merchants brings a dedicated commitment to the customer and a passion for high quality products. Visit Market Merchants for a wide selection of atomic clocks and other clocks

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